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Discover How to install led lights in car interior So That You Have A Unit With Style

Discover How to install led lights in car interior So That You Have A Unit With Style

Your car’s interior may lack color, and the led lights can only give this you can install. You can place a series of lights on the dash, on the doors, or at the top of the interior of your car. With the led lights, you will feel that you have a party inside the vehicle, and they can also help you improve your vision.

You have to learn how to install led lights in car interior with a sensitive method in which you will not take much time. With led lights, you can have a stylish car tailored to you and show it to your friends. These lights are very popular with young people or adults who want to personalize their vehicles today.

What exactly are LED lights?

LEDs or light-emitting diodes have been for almost two decades in your life, giving you light in dark areas. You can use LEDs in your home or car under small bulbs with high resistance and distinguished by their colors. The LEDs are made up of germanium and silicon that complete this lighting system.

Although LEDs look very fragile, they are very resistant and can last in operation for years. The LED lights are heavy-duty for you to place in any area of ​​your car.

How do LED lights work?

Led lights are a type of connection in colored led that you can place in your vehicle. These lights work under a series circuit through basic wiring and a connection. You will have the same function with led lights as with a light bulb but in your car.

When you install led lights in your car, the energy that turns them on is that which flows through the battery. If you start the vehicle, the led lights that you have previously connected will automatically turn on. You can place two types of LED lights in your car, which are daylight and multi-color.

The multicolored LEDs are only available in Blue, Red, and Green, so you can choose the ones you like the most. These lights can also turn on statically or with a lighting kit that you can adapt to. You can see many led lights in the holidays because they are the light of the thousands of Christmas trees.

Tips for you to choose LED lights

To have led car lights, you will have to make a good purchase and have the best ones at hand. The first thing you should think about is the quality of the product and the colors that the LED lines produce. These lights usually come with a vertical plastic bracket for you to install with ease.

For you to complete your goals in choosing quality LED lights, you have to be guided by these tips:

  • Buy LEDs online to compare products

If you want to invest your money well, try to buy led lights online to compare the products. You can choose the most reliable LEDs for their strength, light span, colors, and price. You have to add the led lights that you like to the shopping cart and wait for the order to arrive home.

  • Think of quality LEDs above the price

You have to think about the quality of the LED lights and not the price because it is something that you will install in your car. You need to style your vehicle and do so; you have to have the best in multicolored lights. You can buy a line of LEDs that light up in more than ten different colors to illuminate your car.

  • Buy a good amount of led lights, it is better than over

In installing interior car lights, you may have to cover a good stretch with the element. You have to buy a good amount of led lights to make a correct installation and not be left half.

Implements you need before installing the LED lights in your car

You have to prepare to install the LED lights inside your car, and to complete it; you need implements. Among the tools that you should have on hand when installing LEDs are:

  • Screwdriver
  • Multimeter
  • Pliers with which you can cut cables.
  • Insulating tape.
  • Adapter for taking fuses.
  • Glue that dries very fast
  • Zip to tie the lights
  • Car charger

With these implements, it may be enough for you to install the LED lights in the car correctly. You will have to comply with these steps to have the LED lights in full operation:

Plan the installation

To know well how to install led lights in car interior, you will have to plan everything. You will need to:

  1. Check if the quantity of led lights you bought is correct to install in your vehicle. You may want the lights on the roof of your car or the base, and even on the doors.
  2. Before installing everything, you have to place the lights in the area you like and check their operation.
  3. You have to find the easiest way to turn on the led lights in your vehicle. You can run a wire that goes to the fuse box or use a car charger.

Installation process

In the installation of led lights in your car, you can turn them on in two ways:

Way 1: connect the led lights to the car charger

  1. You will have to find an outlet that will support 12 volt power for your vehicle. These car chargers are very easy to locate and have an affordable price.
  2. You have to cut a part of the car charger cable and connect it with the led lights in your vehicle.
  3. You have to connect the charger to the hole in the panel of your car.
  4. Enjoy the illumination of led lights with a quick connection.

You can use this method in your car, but the only disadvantage is that it will disable the car charger. Sometimes you will have to make a tough decision to charge your mobile or turn on the led lights that you connected.

Way 2: connect the led lights to the fuse box

If you want to separate your car’s led lights’ ignition, you can use the fuse box. With this method, you can connect and disconnect the lights at ease without affecting your vehicle:

  1. You will have to do a little research on the fuse box’s location in your car. Locate the option “connection by accessory” because it is the one that will allow the led lights to turn on with the car. This connection also makes the energy absorbed by the LEDs independent without draining your car battery.
  2. Unscrew the accessory connection and place the red wire from the led lights there. You have to apply pressure with the screw on the wire so that the power reaches the led lights.
  3. Connect the green wire to your vehicle’s battery so that the led lights can work. This will be your ground connection.

Connect the lights and organize them in your car

  1. Now, you will have to connect the box where the LED power is housed to the one in your vehicle. You will have to hide the connection cables so that it does not look bad aesthetically. You can use duct tape to organize these cables in your car.
  2. You can use electrical tape to tape the wire to the lower area of ​​your vehicle’s dash. Duct tape is good because it won’t come off as easily as plastic tape.

Perform the tests after arranging the led lights

  1. Now that you connect and organize the lights, you have to test them with the control you brought. You can turn them on, off, change color and do all the tests you want.

Why don’t my led lights turn on?

If you are done with interior car lights installation, and it does not turn on, this problem can be due to many things. You have to be careful when installing the led lights in your car and avoid:

  • Bad connection in the fuse box

If you chose the method of connecting the led lights to the fuse box, you must make sure that you did it right. The wire must be securely attached to the screw in the fuse box for power to get through. You must also plug the cord into the accessory line for the lights to have the correct power.

  • You did not connect the ground line on the battery properly

With the connection method in the fuse box, you must verify that the line to the battery works. You must remove the terminal and integrate the cable in a small space to connect to the battery. This ground line is very important for the cycle to complete and the lights to turn on.

  • Bad connection with car charger

If you take the car charger method with the led lights, you should see if you did a good cable fusion. You have to detach the wires to check that they are making contact. The LEDs do not turn on with the car charger may be because the car connection is damaged.

  • Damaged led lights

Your led lights may be damaged, justifying the fact that some days it worked on your vehicle but not anymore. You must unplug these lights and test them on house power to test the theory. If the led lights are damaged, you will not be able to do anything more than buy new ones.

  • Discharged car battery

If you made a bad connection to the fuse box and the led lights, you might have discharged the car battery. You can take power out of your vehicle with these led lights if you connect the load on a non-accessory line. Disconnect the led lights from the fuse box, charge your vehicle and try to install them again but correctly.



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